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Benefits of Friday (Jummah)

Just like every community has an important day of the week, Muslims have Fridays. However, our way of showing importance to this day differs from all other people and their important days. On Fridays, we worship Allah and do our best to do all the acts that are either obligatory or recommended for Muslims. The Prophet (PBUH) stated that Friday is for Muslims, Saturday for the Jews, and Sunday for the Christians. He said that on the Day of Resurrection, these days would be in their usual order, so Muslims would be the first. He also stated that the trumpet would be blown on a Friday. Moreover, he told us to send salutations upon him on Fridays. In another Hadith, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that Friday is the best day on which the sun rises. Offering the Fajr prayer in congregation on Fridays is one of the highly recommended acts. The Prophet (PBUH) stated that this is the best prayer before Allah. Later, we should perform ghusl and get ready for the Jummah prayer by putting on our best clothes. When we hear the Adhan, we should head for the congregation and listen to the Khutbah before offering the Jummah prayer. Other things that we should do include praying to Allah since there is a time when all duas are accepted, and reciting Surah al-Kahf.

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